A book; Amma in MA

It has become a routine to do some reading on my way to office and back home. It has become a substitute to a nap after an incidence where my nap was too deep and missed my train stop. ha ha ha.
After reading Life of Pi, I caught this book - "The curious incident of the dog in the night time". It is one of the most "hatt ke" (meaning, non-cliche) books I have ever read. It puts me to laugh and think state seeing the way Christopher things about life. He is a teenage kid who hates colors yellow and brown. He likes math and he hates crowd and doesn't eat at places which are unknown. Strangers are the people whom he keeps away from. Full wierd kid!!! Many more things like these.... Lastly, he hates to lie. But, he does tell 'white lie'. A 'white lie' is not really a lie, but just incomplete information ;) which acts as a lie in important situations.
As the title suggests, the book is about a dog named Wellington. An incident occured and that is the start of the story.
Last night, I was watching the local news channel. Amma (the one who hugs) was in MA. Really don't understand the concept. We know 'touch' is a very important way of expressing emotions, what is 'hug' all about??? The news mentioned it helps in healing ..... . Is this all having faith and belief in something to make it happen? I am sure there is something and I really don't know tha t.