Friday at Office

With a milky day, it was fun to watch street dancing in downtown, Boston.

Milky day because - something has struck some reaction/allergy in my mouth making me impossible to eat. Only think going in was milk till a few minutes ago when I took a step to eat Mediterranean Pita. Oral anesthestic is keeping my mouth numb during work.

Coming to street dancing - Macy's store had organized a street show to promote their store in one of the streets in Boston. That street has a Macy's store too right there. There was a huge crowd when I was walking to grab Pita for lunch. As I approached the stage errected on the street, something interesting was happening. A host and hostess calling people from the crowd to go on stage and dance freestyle to win 100, 200 or 300 dollar worth prize. Rule was this. They have to keep dancing to some music which is stopped by the DJ at random. Then, people dancing HAVE to stop dancing and stand still like a statue at that position when the music is stopped. Whoever stops last is the slowest to react to the stoppage of music and they are eliminated. This is similar to musical chair.

Oh man! It was awesome fun. The host was calling people before start of this. After hesitation, people slowly started moving in. Lean and fat, young and old - all were there on stage to win the prize. One old lady - may be 75 years old - moved slowly up the ramp to participate. Another grandpa with a walking stick was also one of the participants.

Soon, music started - free style dancing started. The first time music stopped, it was super to see all stuck in one of the most awkward positions. One lady who was doing ball room dancing was a statue with her head up and hands spread. The other doing a total freestyle dance was half bent seeing the floor. A super hot girl who was right up front was stilled with her hands up and body lowered, knees bent. One by one, they were all eliminated because they continued to dance even after the music stopped.

At last, there was one guest from Liberia, Abu who won 300 bucks. That old man with a stick won the third prize of 100 bucks!

There were also dance divas part of the show. They did couple of group dances. Wow... they danced really well. It was fun to take a break from office and enjoy outside watching some good and interesting dancing.


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