
Heard of addresses saying, "5th Main, 1st Cross"? Why is that we don't see such address naming convention in the US? Is this system only in India? If yes, phrase, "crossroads of life" must have been coined in India only ;).

Thinking about roads and crossroads, what comes to mind is the traffic in India. 30 years ago, roads were so empty. Automobile Industry was just booming. All cars were big. There was no issue of having a fuel efficient car. People's mindset was not on gasoline price, but on the horsepower of the engine. This is similar to what US is right now. Last night, on the radio, there was a discussion in NPR on US Govt. considering of supporting fuel efficient cars to save fuel. Also, this will help a big deal in supporting the G-8's buzz talk, 'global warming'. Seeing all these, I feel, India has seen all these talks of fuel economy and energy saving two decades ago! In other words, US will soon see choked roads all the time, everywhere, in the near future. It is high time to support for more public transport than designing cars.


Unknown said…
Another expression that must have been coined in India is "Holy cow"- because the cow aint holy to Americans in any way. they eat it!

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