Exam Pass

I think my wife will pass the exam next week. She has taken all the pain and spent lot of effort in teaching my son. Result: Son is in a condition where he(we) can attend the exam confidently.

Our son is in LKG and he is facing his first exam in life! Syllabus:
Written - A to O; a to o
Written - 1 to 20
Oral - Rhymes, 1 to 60. Story telling - A thirsty crow.
Drawing - coloring.

His mom has meticulously taught him alphabet writing. I was happy that he can write A to Z in plain paper. But, my wife is specific on neatness - she says, "he has to write the alphabets within a given frame/lines." Initially, it was hard for her to make him follow the instructions. Slowly, she learnt his language, cars language. In order to write B, she narrates the instructions, "go straight, stop ahead; start from up, go straight, U-turn, reverse gear, U-turn." If someone had listened to her loud instructions coming out from the bedroom, I don't know what they would have thought.

From my side, I feel that our son should not be burdened with the word 'exam'. Let him go to school and learn whatever he can at this stage. 'Just pass' is what I expect from him in his early school days.


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