Best and Worst of BSNL

I am a customer of BSNL in Bangalore and I find that they are the best and worst telephone service providers in the city.
Coming to best part first -
1. Most cost effective service.
2. Broadband is the fastest among ADSL vendors.

I can go on and on with the other side of the coin.
1. Worst customer support. I had to change homes twice in one year. Each time, I was out of connection for more than 45 days. It takes a lot of effort and follow-ups to get the connection transferred. The linesman, Assistant Engineer, Executive Engineer - none of them pick up their cell phone most of the times. Once in a blue moon, the phone rings and I get to talk to them about my transfer request.

2. If a fault occurs, we have to better keep our fingers and pray the Gods crossed to get it resolved. Once, my broadband account had got locked due to unknown reason. I had to struggle for 15 days to get it re-activated.

3. Bills don't arrive, but, line gets disconnected if not paid. Due to system upgrade, bills are getting delayed. It has been customers' responsibility to track payment by going to their office and paying the dues.


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