I was filling the electric service form recently to move into my apartment. This is the first time I am opting for a service other than my cell phone. Other services like gas, water, TV, etc., all billed once a month. This took me back to those days when I used to stand in the queue to pay the bills. Which are the most popular waiting places??? Simplest is waiting a line during airport security check-in. This one has that typical mood of everyone busy removing shoes, jackets and keeping the laptop out. Few faces with high energy to visit a new place, few others with a sad look to fly from that place. If it is a early morning scene, one is sure to see few sleepy faces with coffee in their hands. Not to mention one or two passengers with early morning cold/cough with red nose and wipes in their hands :(. A decade ago, it was usual for me to stand in the queue to pay the bills - electricity, water, or telephone. Those were the days when billing counters were not computerised. The person i...