Identity lost, identity gained

"I moved to this country 30 years ago". "This place has been mine and I have no roots of my own country now after 22 years". We hear these words from so many to make all these cliched. Many movies have been shot to show these NRI emotions. What is common in all? People change places, but it is very tough for places to change people.

Today, I watched "Namesake" in a theatre here. All characters are simple and natural. Overall, the movie is so true and in the lines of lives of many non-resident Indians. These 'NRI' oriented movies like this one and many others (Flavors, East is East, Mitr, Sun rises in the East, Bend it like Beckham) have one thing in common - parents trying to force kids to follow what they call, 'our roots'. Also common is the sarcastic comedy of kids making parents disappointed in the end.

People who land out of their country lose their identity and after living in an adopted country for several years gain a different identity. These parents once who questioned, "No, How can my daughter marry a White?" will settle for, "this is a changed world, our kids belong to this and they will make their own future" is the end word with both disappointment and content.

I think, a movie has to be shot where a Chinese (non-resident) will marry an Indian (non-resident)!!!! No more serious stuff please - comedy wanted :D. This will be a total unique storyline ;).


SimblyDimply said…
You know, I have always wondered why there are not many indo-chinese marriages. We see many Indo-German, Indo-russian or Indo-caucasian marriages, but very few between Indians and chinese. Maybe because of the old saying - "Indo cheeni bhai bhai"!! hehe!
accidental diva said…
Hey now thats a good concept...a chinese n an Indian marrying:):)
Would give a comedien like Russel Peter a lot of material to work with:):):)

Read a few of your post...really well written:)
I am said…
he he :)) i guess we will see lots of


roaming around after this interesting mating of Indians and Chineese

:)) LOL ROFL....imagining

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