Tenali Rama going to...

There is a Kannada movie, "Tenali Rama Going to Dubai". I accidentally started watching this movie of Ramesh and Jaggesh. Though the comedy part is somewhat OK, height of imagination in the movie was at its peak when I saw the song in the second half. There are 2 songs which are shot in Singapore!

Where did Dubai come in to picture then???? Director should be able to answer. As per the story of the movie, the two characters, Tenali and Rama were duped of being sent to Dubai and they land up in the coast of Goa ;). Singapore is in Goa????


Satish said…
Remember Rama Shyama Bhama? The movie storyline has most of the action happening in Goa. While Ramesh recently mentioned those scenes were actually shot in Chennai...

Movies are all about fiction and imagination....

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