
It has been a decade since I came out of college and have seen a sea of changes in the field of technology (especially in India).

1. Digital Camera - This was unheard for me 10 years ago. Now, the whole world takes pictures on digital camera. No film processing and no negatives.

2. Broadband Internet - India has moved from a dialup connection to ADSL since 2001. This has made email and other internet services easy to access on the world wide web.

3. Social Networking on the net - Orkut, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc have made the world come closer. Nobody had ever imagined that friends can be closer via the net.

4. Cellphone/Smartphone - My experience of not owning a phone a decade ago, to a smartphone now, I have seen good growth of mobile technology in India. As per sources, there are 750 million cell phones in India! Nokia was the leading seller long ago. Now, all other players have entered the market with fancier models. Call rates have come down from Rs. 6 per minute to 20 paise per minute.

5. Automobile Industry - This has grown in leaps and bounds in India. There has been a huge buying power that has seen all brands set up manufacturing units in India. On the positive side, this change has given a boost to the industry, but, on the contrary, it has choked the roads.


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