Choices to follow passion

Very few people feel they are passionate about what they do. I am one of them.

I don't think I would have become an engineer if I was left to choose my career in-line with passion. My brother and I were doing so many things that Engineering came to us very late in our life as an option when we finished our college.

I was checking this website of Karnataka Secondary Education Examinations - here. We were so much in to painting that I am sure we could have made Painting/related art as our passionate career. We had passed the exam when we were in High School. I will surely recommend all schools to have this exam in their curriculum.

Another certificate (exam) that we got was Music Junior - link here. Though this certificate was of little importance then, I do feel that we took music very close to our heart. Seeing the publicity that today's generation get in media, I feel that we had very little opportunities.

There were many other streams that we (my brother and I) participated. I think school played an important role. We should thank our school (Rotary school, Hubli) that encouraged us to take exams like Drawing exam, ISKCON exam, GK exam, and Sanskrit exam.

Adding to the above list is sports. Sports has its own categories. As kids, I feel that we have enjoyed the childhood to the fullest extent. Hopefully, our kids will get a chance (or even more) to get exposed to various streams so that they can decide what they want to be.


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