Traffic in Bengaluru

Daily, table topic in office is about traffic jam while commute in Bangalore.
Traffic is always high and slow moving in IT corridors. It takes 90 minutes to cover a distance of 20 Kms, i.e., average speed of about 15 Km/hr.

Main reasons for slow moving traffic:
1. Excess traffic on road during peak hour.
2. Bus/truck breakdown
3. Bad road condition due to digging or overnight rain creating water logging areas.

There seems to be no solution to this concern. But, with existing resources and funds, there are possible areas of improvement:
1. Improve road conditions. Never allow for potholes to grow bigger day-by-day.
2. Clear broken down vehicle at the earliest. Hanging a branch of a tree to the window of the vehicle is an indication that vehicle is broken down. Police should try to move the vehicle to a safer zone and avoid slowing down vehicular movement.

Best times to commute to/from office:
Before 7:30am and after 11:00pm.
Peak hours:
7:30am to 11:00am
4:30pm to 9:30pm
Bengaluru Traffic - All RED in google maps


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