Passport Renewal Process and Appointment Day Process

 I planned to renew my passport recently (May 2022). 

If you want to renew your passport, register here and fill in the online application. Once you completed filling in all the fields, you can upload your documents. Also, you can make online payment through the Passport Seva Kendra portal. Final step of online application process is to book a date to visit the nearest PSK (Passport Seva Kendra) Center.

Once you book the slot, you will get a batch number (example, Batch: 24) with reporting time and appointment time. You should be at the center at the reporting time (let us consider reporting time as 3:15pm). In all probability, you will be called in at appointment time (15 minutes after reporting time,  say, 3:30pm). 

The first step is to receive a Token number. This is the number which will be called in future steps (Counter-A, B, C). In this first step, your documents will be quickly verified. Any missing document will be notified. If any specific document is missing, you won't be given the token. You can go out and arrange for the document and come back in (if that is possible in 10-15 mins).

Once token number is issued, you can wait near Counter-A. There will be 30-50 A-counters. So, the number will tick fast in the display where token is being called is displayed. In my case, my token was 100 numbers behind the one being called. It took about 30 minutes to get my turn to go to Counter-A.

Counter-A is the place where your documents will be first fully verified. Also, the executive will fill in all your details in to their system. Finger scanning will be done here. Photo will be taken too (no need to get passport size photos at all). Once you confirm that details input in the system is accurate, executive will submit your application for further review and processing. Finally, printout of your application will be given to you. You may now proceed to Counter-B. So, if you had entered the center at 3:30pm, assume that by 4:30pm, you could be done with Counter-A. This is for Normal Type of Application. I don't know about Senior Citizens/Priority/Tatkaal types of applications. Those could be processed faster with lesser wait time! Note: If you wish to receive SMS alerts about your Passport processing, you must pay Rs. 50 cash at Counter-A.

Counter-B is the place where second round of verification happens. Once you finish Counter-A, wait near Counter-B. Check for the display board. Wait till your token number along with assigned B-counter appears.  Note that calling of Counter-B is not sequential. It will be based on how fast people finished Counter-A. Proof of Identity (PoI) and Proof of Address (PoA) will be cross checked for any discrepancy. Whatever was input in to the system in Counter-A is checked in Counter-B. There will be around 15 B-counters. You should be done with Counter-B by 5:00pm as per my example.

Counter-C is the LAST counter. After finishing your Counter-B work, wait near Counter-C. Keep an eye on display board for your token number along with assigned C-counter to appear. In Counter-C, they will stamp your old passport as CANCELLED and APPROVE your application. With a wait time of about 15 minutes, you could exit the Center by 5:15pm. 

Overall, the process inside the PSK center is streamlined. You should keep aside 2-3 hours depending on the crowd on a given day.


Step-1: Report 15 minutes prior to Appointment Time.

Step-2: Once you enter PSK building, first round of document check will be done, Token number will be assigned to your application.

Step-3: Wait and complete tasks in Counter-A

Step-4: Wait and complete tasks in Counter-B

Step-5: Wait and complete tasks in Counter-C

Step-6: After Counter-C, just exit the PSK center by following EXIT board. Your appointment is OVER.


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