Report card

I just completed a book in which the kid gets an A-grade in Math. This makes me feel, "I am out of school. Who will me report card from now on?".

But, I found the answer to the above question. The answer is "Life". Life will give me my report card. Life is my teacher and I am its student. As life goes on, I am sure to learn more. More I learn, more challenges I face. Challenging the challenges is the exam of life.

Till now, my report card reads, "Pass" :). I will put a comment for myself in that, "Work harder. Room for improvement". I think that is what my teacher in school used to write ;).


micromysore said…
total time pass ;-)
Whats cooking in your mind Shyam ? I find this post a little philosophical
Shyam said…
No pridera. I really felt the importance of "report card". :). I started the blog with a smile thinking of those school days of slogging and working hard to get good scores.

In the end, the blog turned different as you are interpreting.

kaash koyi aake mujhe mera report card detha :)
I am said…
:) ha ha good good

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