27th Dec 2008

Me writing a blog on 27th Dec 3:30AM.
No sleep? Something wrong? Jet lag? 'yes' to all such questions. I slept from 4pm to 9pm last evening and am not getting any sleep now. I am too hungry - feels like I have missed my lunch today! Don't forget, the day for me is now starting at 9pm or so.

This is something like Nehru's dialog - "When the whole world sleeps, India awakes." When everyone is fast asleep I am here online writing.

My recommendation to everyone who visit India for their wedding - please come 10 days in advance and get rid of jet lag. From my current experience, I am not able to catch up with time. When I see people running, I feel, "Why are they all running?". When I am running, the feeling is visa-versa.

Yesterday's 'navagraha hOma' and other rituals were really laborious. If people think that that is just a pre-match practise session (and real match will be more tiring), in the real match on 28th, like Russel Peter's dialog, I am thinking, "somebody is going to be hurt real bad". ha ha ha.

One think I am not able to digest is the fact of me being a poppet in the hands of people around. They tell, "go there", I need to run. If they tell, "do this", I got to do that. If they demand, "you got eat in 2 minutes", I have to obey the time constraint. Isn't this something bla bla bla (fill up that bla bla bla)? Even the cameraman demands it mannnnn- "smile pleaseeeee". Then somehow, like the air hostesses do on Singapore Airlines, I will do that artificially (at times). Hopefully, it will change once I have my significant half to my left tomorrow. It better be!


hamsanandi said…

Wish you both the very best in life! I will speak to you after your return.


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