Days of power outage

It was in the days of my High School and College when there were scheduled power cuts for a couple of hours every day. Yesterday, my wife and I were recollecting those moments of 'free-time' inspite of homework/test/exam.

From 7pm to 9pm, it was total blackout in the area. That was the time my brother and I started the music session without any hindrance forgetting the "time" parameter of life. For next two hours, our neighbours would be out near their gates cooling themselves with some silent breeze. Not to mention, they also got to listen to the Company music - Company because, it was Kumar and Sons (Father and two sons) singing at max volume.

After an hour or so, mom would come from inside bringing nice masala Tea. After a short Tea break, we started back again for some more time to continue our singing. All these power cuts also meant lesser visitors/patients at home for our doc-mom.

It was so much fun to do such things. I really miss power cuts now-a-days.


I am said…
he he he sure sure...u bet... I miss those load - shedding too :)

for us power cuts meant - no homework, no study :), and out on the compound playing hide and seek, off course singing...filmi chorous...(antakshari parents vs children)... with the dads :) of the colony as well...

what days... make sure that chota shyaam has some experience of power cuts too :) :D

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