Office Space

The 'Office Space' I am talking has nothing to do with the movie, Office Space. The one I am referring to is about office environment in India inside a IT company. One element is true - Working in US is different from working in India. Why? You will come to know once you read below...

In India, there are people grabbing tasks to prove their superiority. Whatever task is crossing across their cubicle, they want to grab it. Let that be not concerned to their scope of work, they just want to take it and say "Yes, yes... I will do it" by shaking their head in all directions possible. This is the most unprofessional way of work. At the end of the day, one who just grabs all the work proves to be 'the most wanted' guy. This is cunning attitude #1.

Hiding 'code secrets' is one more thing of IT people here. They do something to solve one problem and send an email to boss with cc-ing the team saying, "issue is resolved now". What the ... did he/she do to solve it? God only knows. They don't even bother to communicate the team once a code change or improvement had been put in place. Sharing of such secrets is not appreciated. Rather, they hold on to such tricks as 'triumph cards'. This is cunning attitude #2.

This is the world of IT in India. I do agree with the above two points. The above attitudes are there everywhere. But, the extent of those in India is unbelievable. When I joined the office here, I thought of not being part of such so called 'competition'. Now, I too feel like playing the game. Else, I would loose the race!

Meetings are more like marketplace than simple discussions. There will be 3-4 in the meeting who will trigger the spark and there goes the fire! Flames spread all directions and meeting will not end in the stipulated time. I hate to sit such a meeting which has no direction. People sit there to argue rather than coming to a conclusion. Since I am not the boss, I have no control on the situation. All I do is to say, "guys, I need to go" and come out of that meeting.

With all these, people don't want to correct. If I make a mention of any remediation, all I get back is, "hmmm, it won't work that way in India. People here are not used to such things." I don't understand how these people succeed as a team if they work like this. There is a saying, "80% of the job is done by 20% of the people" - I now know why! Team work is tough in India - all the successful Indian companies are service based where 'team' doesn't mean 100% Indians. I wish to see 100% Indian team succeeding in bringing a product! I think, non-IT Indian gaints are lot better in this case. The Tatas, Birlas, Ambanis - I see a better team work in them compared to IT based, Infosys, Wipro, TCS, etc.

Overall, I feel, having better brains in IT makes it a more cunning place to work! Just read it - "Survival of the fittest".


micromysore said…
quite an experience annu !!

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