Summer season in childhood

As I was eating the first mango of this season, I was recollecting the childhood days when Summer meant 'mango season'.

Summer season in childhood had these typical connection:
1) Mangos - Hubli days reminds me of 'aapus' mango. One vendor is still in my eyes who used to come just after a heavy rain. He had converted a foldable iron chair into a cart by adding small wheels to it.

2) Playing for hours - My brother and I used to play for hours - both indoor and outdoor. Creativity was touching its limit during this season. New games every day, new rules to a game every day, etc made playing interesting.

3) Kissan juice was the most preferred drink in Summer. We used to get a new bottle of juice concentrate at the start of every season. Thinking the current juices, I think that it was cheaper to buy the concentrate and prepare the juice ourselves. Benefit of today's juices is that it is instant and comes in 100 different flavors. Other popular drink was 'rasna' (I love you rasna - nobody can forget that punch-line).


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