Chinatown, Singapore

With a recommendation from one of my friends, I visited Chinatown today. I was roaming around looking at colorful surroundings and doing window shopping. It is a must place to visit to see vibrant colors and to feel the buzz around any day of the week.

I first got inside the Chinatown market - this place had lots of shops selling electronics and gift articles. Also, half of this place was occupied with travel agencies. As I wanted to see the street shops, I headed out of this market.

"Paint your name for $10" was the board which reminded me of San Francisco. This corridor of shops was very nice with lots of small gift articles and clothes. End of the corridor was a huge Hindu Temple - Mariamman Temple! Next to this was a very huge Chinese Temple.

After walking for a couple of hours, I wanted to hydrate myself and found the right choice - fresh coconut milk. After taking a break to finish this drink, I headed back home. Chinatown - A must visit window shopping place. Photos of Chinatown - here.


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