Paperwork prevails

How long does it take to fill a form/application for a phone connection? Around 20 minutes. Add the same process to Broadband connection, tv connection and cell phone connection. With few minutes of buffer and waste-time, it should take around 2 hours to get this done.

This is exactly what happened when I went to get the above connections from one vendor here in Singapore. Though the activation of TV and cell phone connection was done instantly, internet took like an 'overnight' time. Land phone will be activated in 5 working days.

Best part of the above connections - no need of any service guy to come in and do the installation. No need to give an appointment to the technician for visiting us to set up the connection. Everything is 'do-it-yourself'.

Bad part of getting a connection - it took nearly 25 sheets of paper to submit the application. For each type of connection, customer details have to be put in the form. They could have made this a computer based tool and have a choose 'tv, broadband, landline, ...' along with package plans. "Go green" is surely missing in the above system.

This shows that paper submission still prevails over softcopy forms.


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