Money flow on streets of Bangalore

We shouldn't think that India is poor. It has full of money flow everywhere. Let me take an example of street vendors. Do you know how much is it worth annually? $43.8 million. How?

In our street (area), we get atleast 10 vendors. On an average, each vendor will have transactions of Rs. 200. It is just an average. Think about Rs. 45 for 1 Kg of green beans, or, Rs. 130 for 1 Kg of apple. Continuing with calculation - just like our street (area), there are atleast 100 areas where such vendors are present. Calculating this per day, and per month and then, annually, I got $43.8 million!

Vendors per area = 10
Transaction per day = Rs. 200
# of such areas = 100 (assumption)

Money flow per day = 10 x 200 x 100 = Rs. 2,00,000 (2 lakhs)
Flow per month = 2 lakhs x 30 = Rs. 60 lakhs.

Per year = 60 lakhs x 365 days = $43.8 million.

Taking 10 cities like this in India, cash roaming around in Indian streets is $438 million!

I think, I will introduce such a market in US. Forget online shopping. Welcome to street shopping.


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