
Is today something like "Philosophy" day?
Radio has been talking a lot today -
First, it is Jack Kevorkian, who was"suicide assistant" 9 years ago for assisting suicides, one by carbon monoxide inhalation and other by injecting a slow killing drug. He was imprisoned for 9 years for second degree murder and is being released today.
Questions - Should euthanasia be made legal? If so, why? Why did this doctor do that and why is he still fighting for that which is far from becoming legal?

In another talk over radio - why waste space for burial grounds in today's world?
Are we not wasting space? The burial grounds are places of 'sentiments' to those whom they have left behind. the argument was not to waste space/land in today's world of growing population. What is the solution? Cremation is being recommended.


Philosophy day ... I won't be surprised if there really is one!
SimblyDimply said…
Brings us to the most seminal question: are both birth and death our choices? really? If so then abortion should be illegal (as the unvoiced right of the unborn) and euthanasia should be legal (as the voiced right of the alive).. isnt as simple.

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