Web application trends

Java and .NET were/are hot tools to develop web applications.

Latest readings show Python being compared with Java.
Python is a quick in a development cycle - meaning, just write the code and save it. Go to browser and refresh the page to see the changes. On the other hand, Java, needs the code to be compiled.
Many such trivial benefits of Python is making it a easier tool than Java.

Pydev is a project plugin to develop python projects in Eclipse.

Above all these, Django - a latest (not yet released) Web Framework is the fastest of the three frameworks (RoR, PHP, Django). Here is the futuristic book (online book) about Django. Paper version of this is expected for release in August 2007.

Continuing on software web development topic, the term pace is playing a major role. Pace has two angles - one, the pace with which the project proceeds to completion; the other, the pace/performance of the application when users/customers use it online. Managers want the project to be kicked off soon and finished faster to earn better revenues. The tech gurus in a company focus on the stability and performance of the product. In the end, a tool is picked which can appease both the Manager and the tech experts. In most cases, the client/end user doesn't care about the technology what the IT companies use. Clients want to make life easier and simpler by using these software tools. ashte.


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