Highlights of recent two weeks

My India visit was eventful with loads and loads of fun and masti.

1. Got engaged!
2. Enjoyed singing at 2 concerts
3. Good food on all days whomever I visit.
4. Ate at Vidhyathi Bhavan - Rs. 17 for 1 masala dosa.
5. Watched Mungaru MaLe in PVR Cinema - Super theatre and super price too.
6. Did a bunch of shopping

In the theatre, it was full maza. My fiance and I sat down at the start of show. A lady came along to ask for, "What can I give you sir? Tea, coffee, juice, ice cream, popcorn?" I was surprised to see the service and I spontaneously asked for, "popcorn and 1 water bottle". After few minutes, there arrived our order - Rs.80 only :D. hmmm ie., less than $2.

In short, it was two weeks run in fast forward mode - I now need to sit down and recap slowly to enjoy more :).


Vanditha said…
Congrats on your engagement!! $2 sounds interesting coz you are in the reverse conversion mode.

I am on the euros to rupee conversion mode now and everything so expensive. One tenginakaayi is Rs50 here shucks !! :D
Vanditha said…
Congrats on your engagement!!

Reverse conversion from rupees to dollars / euros always seems better. I am currently on the forward conversion mode euros to rupees. Man!! things seem so expensive here. One tenginakaayi costs Rs50!!

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