Competition beats Courtesy

Competition is so high in every aspect of life in India that courtesy takes the back seat. Get on the street - you compete for space, try to get a cell phone - sales representatives fight for their share of profit, be at work - people always have wide open eyes!

Very few cases one can find a genuine courtesy. I am not expecting big favour from people around to be courteous - This is just my observation compared to the life in US. Also, I understand - this is how it is in India.

One drastic thing I noticed is the accent of English with my co-workers. It is so different! The phrases (plus body language) they commonly use are different from what I have been using in the past few years. I am finding this unique because I haven't had a chance to work in India in the past. All my work experience has been outside India. How is the English here then? If we put a Oscilloscope, the wave will have very less variations. It will be more or less a straight line. It is always acceptable to 'ask' (interrogative sentence) in a declarative manner. More confusing than that is the tone in which people talk. I don't understand if they are really talking rough OR that they don't really mean to be rough.

Overall, I need to take the phrase - "Be a Roman in Rome".


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