Spotty spotted

Spotty spotted in the dark few minutes ago! It is 4:00am now and I am back from chasing away Spotty, the frustrating street dog which I mentioned earlier in my blogs. After a few frustrating nights, I asked my dad about that dog and he told that its pet name was Spotty. Why the name Spotty? Answer - It has spots on its body ;)

Tonight too, it started off barking an hour ago. With few shouts and warning from me and my wife, it did shut its mouth for a while before starting again. I took a mug, went out to balcony and splashed on it and the place it usually sits/sleeps/barks from. Moments later, there was silence in the street. I am so familiar with this dog's barking sound, I could recognize its barking 2 streets away - nightmare for those neighbours there :(

One curious question - what makes this dog bark so relentlessly each night? It doesn't synchronize with other dogs' barking in the locality. So, it is not a question of response-ack. Something different though.


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