How much can a place make you nostalgic? This depends on what one relates to that place to become nostalgic. For me, US life is very nostalgic. I am using the word, 'nostalgic' to describe 'things which make me recollect of the past'. The dictionary meaning of nostalgia means longing for something past. 1) If I see Obama in the news! Surely that news would have been of some importance if I were to be in the US, not anymore. Still, seeing or reading something about Obama reminds me of my US life. 2) Few shirts I wear - Certain shirts have US connection since I bought them there. It is very hard to not to recollect 'when I bought this?'. 3) Eating non-home food - In US, I have eaten so much of restaurant food that whenever I eat naan, pizza, noodles, etc here, it reminds me of bad Indian food which are served in restaurants there. Also, pizza here have better taste than the ones in US. 4) Few Bollywood songs - some of the movies were releases and were box office h...