From Break out area

My colleague R approached me when I was taking a break from work in the break out area. This area is in one corner to our floor and is open to the rest of the floor. R requested me to sing a song as he knew that I sing and had listened to my online mp3s. Since it was a break time for me, I had no hesitation. My only concern was that my voice will be too loud because I can't sing in a low volume.

I started to alaap in Raag Desh and wanted to sing a thillana. I had told R that I will face the wall and sing so that sound doesn't directly hit the people sitting around. A minute later, I could see people raising from their desks and peeping out from their cubicles. Once I finished the song, I was really surprised to hear applause from all over the place. I enjoyed that moment because I really didn't sing for everyone, yet, they could hear me :). May be, next time, I will really sing for them.


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