6 months since return!

Time has gone so fast that it has already been 6 months since our return to India.
Things I love -
1) Public transport is the best to go around the city. Right from city buses to autos and city taxis, there is no shortage of transport.

2) Food - There is no hunting for good Indian food here. There are many favorite eat-outs in Bangalore!

3) Friends and family - Weddings, baby showers, house warming ceremonies, etc - all come under one name, "function". This is the best part of life in India :)

4) Music around - There is so much of music and art that we hardly have time to go for each and every concert.

Few things which I haven't got used to ...
1) Traffic - Even though I drive around in the city, it is very hard for me to actually do that for more that 30 minutes in one go.

2) Shopping - I haven't done much shopping here. Couple of times when I went searching for things, I didn't find what I wanted. There are many shopping places to go, but it is difficult to choose which one to pick.

3) Work environment - This is one which is hard to get used to after working outside India. It boils down to communication gap and conversation/accent. Tele-conference call is the worst experience. We cannot hear what people talk because there is no clarity in pronunciation.

Bottom line - :)


I am said…
he he he agree agree to all the appointments and disappointments!

Even before I have come I know my set will be composed of the same things :)

msst msst but kya karein such is life !!

deal with it

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