Why not auto-network?

I was walking towards my bank this morning and I as was crossing the road, one auto-rickshaw (auto) guy inquired, "Where is PES College?" From this question, I clearly understood that he is not from this area. If that is the case, how can people improve the usage of auto-rickshaw? Many a times, citizens of Bangalore can't hire autos to their specific locality as there will be very few customers in that area.

I was thinking - why not create a network of autos? If I was want to go to point C from A, I could take an auto to B and someone from B must connect me to area-C. That way, the empty trips of auto drivers can be reduced. Also, we can localize these autos and make the system work more efficiently.

Basic thing is - create junctions and connect those junctions. I got this concept from transmission of packets over the network with hops. Do you think this idea would work?


I am said…
yes it works in cal.. and very cheap.. Rs2.00 to Rs 5.00 max, per person. Each auto can take 5 people, besides in the heat of Cal, a auto works anyday better than even a taxi.

try it out in Bangalore...

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