
I was realizing that I have never blogged about the song I learnt in my music classes! Today is my first chance to do that. The song I am learning right now is srikantha neeyada.

Last class, my guru taught me the above song in the raaga, bhavapriya. The raaga is a unique one - the first half of the ascend is like shubhapantuvarAli while the second half is like shanmukhapriya. I was very much caught in the loop during the lesson. Just after coming out of the class, I was completely confused with the question, "how to sing this?".

I went home and slowly started singing this raaga. I soon realised that I had sung this raaga in a concert in front of 600 people! That too in a Jazz concert, 5 years ago.

Coming to the most trickiest part -
Listening to Dr. S Ramanathan's rendition of this raaga in the song - 'bhavapriya', we get an impression that it has resemblance to todi. If we check the 7 notes of bhavapriya, shanmukhapriya, shubhapantuvarALi and todi, below is the chart we get:

S R1 G2 M2 P D1 N2 S : bhAvapriya
S R1 G2 M2 P D1 N3 S : shubhapantuvarAli
S R2 G2 M2 P D1 N2 S : shanmukhapriya
S R1 G2 M1 P D1 N2 S : Todi

Bottomline - It is very similar to shubhapantuvarALi. It is hard to sing the second half of the notes. Second half can be sung to give the touches of both todi and shanmukhapriya.


Unknown said…
Ha ha. I saw the title, and even before I read the content, I thought, "Is this not the raaga you sang for Turkish Bath at the Jazz performance?" Why don't you post a snippet of that on the web?

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