Philately season

It has been something like Philately season for me these days. Brother sent me 4 albums full of stamps which we have been collecting for more than 2 decades. Those 4 new albums are really better compared to the ones we had earlier. Also, my FIL and MIL returned from a visit to Switzerland. They gifted me a stamp collection of all the releases made in 2008. Switzerland stamps have their nation mentioned as Helvetia which is the female personification of Switzerland. Similarly, there are few other countries that mention their native names - one more eg., Nippon for Japan.

In our collection, there are many sections which are my favorites. Infact, each section is unique and distinct. Below are the some of the themes which we have right now:

1) Flora
2) Fauna
3) Pisces
4) Indian Monuments
5) Bollywood
6) Children"s day
7) Freedom fighters
8) Mount Everest
9) Festivals of India
10) Arts of India
11) Anniversaries of India - Republic Day, Independence day
12) Indian Postal Dept and Indian Postal Exhibition
13) Detailed section on Netherlands, USA and Switzerland

My brother and I share a lot of experiences of Philately. During school days, it was a hobby which we spent most of our time. Be it during school season when we exchanged stamps with our friends in class or during holiday season when we arranged stamps in our albums.

Arranging stamps in the album was an iterative one. We always had one album was always newer than the others. That being the case, we always stored our best collection in our latest album. Our wishlist to dad always had "get us one new stamp album". Our 2nd album was not well designed by the makers as it had long spaces in between and had very little scope to put more stamps in one sheet. My brother decided to alter that album to suit our needs. Talking of iteration, we arranged once, reviewed once and re-arranged once more and reviewed one more time. Next day, we reviewed as though we found something different and arranged them again. Same thing is happening to me today. We always get new ideas in arranging the stamps; always keeping us curious and interesting.


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