Song list for weekend's concert

I have been rehearsing for the upcoming concert and it has been a wonderful experience to sing krithis of Muttuswamy Dikshitar. Nearly 12 songs are packed for the 3-hour duration concert. I will be starting off with a krithi in GowLa on Lord Ganapathi.

Selection of songs has been made keeping in mind the variety and tempo of each song. A song in 'saama' (Annapurne..) will follow the first Ganapathi krithi. Theme of the concert is 'Devi Krithis of Muttuswamy Dikshitar' and sticking to that, 3rd piece will be a 'hindoLa' one (neerajaakshi kaamakshi). I have planned to elaborate the anupallavi with neraval and swara-prastara.

'Shri Bhargavi' in 'mangala kaishiki' will be followed by a song in the raaga, 'jyoti'. Main piece of the evening will be in 'purvikalyani'. This song has a story behind it. On the chaturdashi day of 1835, Dikshitar told his students to sing a song on Devi. They sang 'meenakshi me mudam'. Dikshitar told them to repeat the song again. By the time they had reached the line, "meena lOchani paasha mOchani....", he had breathed his last.

Apart from the above songs, I am planning to sing 2 of Dikshitar's Kamalamba navaavarna krithis (one in 'anandha-bharavi' and one in 'shree'). Specialty of these krithis is that each song has one 'vibhakti' and covers all the 8 'vibhaktis' [ref].


hamsanandi said…
Good selection; Post a recording after the concert!

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