Diwali 2009

Writing a typical blog... (How did we celebrate Diwali this year?)

On the eve of of Diwali, we shopped new clothes for our son. Also, since it was our son's first Diwali, we wanted to show him some fireworks. My wife and I purchased a few flower-pots, 'bhoo-chakra-s and sparklers. We went to place where they were selling crackers. It was such a mad rush that we could hardly step in. Profit margin for crackers is so high that sellers just quota 60% discount for everything. If the total amount is X, they say, "ok sir... pay Y". No big calculations there. Just some random number approximately matching 60% discount.

Diwali day was good. Morning oil shower (customary of Diwali) was a good relaxing one. Lunch was planned at my in-laws. In the evening, our son enjoyed the fireworks. Smoke coming out of flower-pots or bhoo-chakra-s is very intense. It was very hard to keep him away from that. Late in the evening, there was little bit of firecrackers on TV when RCB defeated Delhi.

In the night (after 10:30), it was very hard to put our son to sleep. Diwali is indeed celebrated at the cost of others when it comes to noise levels. When people burst crackers up to midnight, there is no way one can avoid the noise. While official rules don't permit bursting after 10:00pm, that rule not is valid when it comes to Diwali night. It looks like that rule applies on other days of the year. We finally had to wait upto 1:00am or so for noise to disappear and put our son to bed.


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