India life vs US life

People keep asking me "how was life there in US?" or "how do you feel coming back to India?". It has been more than a year since we returned from the US and for me, answering such questions is neither easy nor short. One of my friends recently told me that he rejected an intra-company transfer to US as he thought that life there was not easy. Bad part is, he has never stayed in US for more than 2 weeks to decide that.

Comparing India life and US life is completely based on one's priorities. If one dreams of leading a life in the US, then he/she has to overcome all the hassles. On the other side, if one thinks India is the dream place to be in, it shouldn't end up in -'kuupa mandUka' story (frog in the pond story) . Also, returning to India is not a good choice if children were born and brought up in the US. They will surely feel the change in lifestyle. Returning to India is the best option if one expects no growth in career and wants to spend more time on family/social activities/etc. We have seen many returning when they are in mid-30s and kids are still young.

Bottomline, as the saying goes, "Be a Roman in Rome", we got to adjust to the place in which we life and enjoy the benefits of that place.


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