Welcome Summer 2010

Welcoming Summer in Bangalore is very simple. KPTCL (Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Ltd.) reminds us well in advance to welcome Summer season by cutting power once or twice a day. Slowly, water shortage will creep in :(.

With temperature already moving up, we are sure to hit a very hot Summer 2010. As I was taking my morning walk, I noticed the houses around. Every compound had more than 1 house. Some had 5-6 houses! How did I know the number of people residing? Count the number of two wheelers inside the gate and also number of cars. Each two wheeler meant 1 extra person, and a car meant, minimum of 3! Right now, there are very few plots which has 4-5 living.

Is there no rule by the BDA or any governing body to restrict the number of people per plot? I would suggest that they should bring in this rule in order to reduce congestion. Our locality, 15 years ago, had a very low density as there were mostly 1 house/plot. With no space to park cars, car owners park their cars on the road blocking vehicular movement. For statistics, our area now has a population density of 8,000 per square Km (based on Bangalore density available online).

For those taking exams in Bangalore, all the best!


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