Seeing Him

Here is a song saying, "I am blessed seeing Him."
"You have filled my eyes of mind. I have traveled countries making me more ambitious all the time. Make me see within."

This piece is an elaborate one which is around 20 minutes. The first part is the rendition of the raaga giving a mood to go into the lyrics of the song. After the song is complete, here comes the improvisation with the seven notes of the raaga (melody).

Set to a cycle of three beats, this song is in the raaga, 'pantuvarali', which is similar to the 'puryadhanushri' in the Hindustani style. I have tried to keep this raaga improvisation on the lighter side and not make it sound too orthodox. The reason behind choosing a lighter and softer touch is the song ahead, which is a semi-classical piece. The swara impromptu in the end is a real-time rendition of notes which just flow from no-where and vanish out. Basically, I mean to say, I may be good/bad at points which I have no control of ;). Next time, I will try better :).

Now, listen to the piece, "ninna nOdi dhanyanAdheno".


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