Today is Pi Day

For all the geeks and non-geeks ;), today is Pi day. What is it?
Remember the value of Pi? 3.14 ??? Today is 03 month and 14th day.

So, enjoy the Pi day. Do things related to pi. Eat apple pie, read the book 'the life of Pi', watch the movie 'American pie', and do some complex math related to the number pi. If you find a girl with her last name Pai, ask for a date ;). ha ha ha.


SimblyDimply said…
Ninage aralu-maralu shuru agide!!!!!!
micromysore said…
lead the way shyama ..
Summerwind said…

Looked at your home page, and listened to the tracks. Very good -I liked the rendition of kamalAmbA samrakShatu mAm.

Hope everything is going well at your end!


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