Games of yester years

There was a long discussion in the family about yester games. The word, "shraaaap kho", rang a bell in my mind. Even my wife's grandma played that game! We discussed lots of games played as kids. I don't know if kids of today play any such games!!!

1) "shraaaap kho" - one person runs to catch others. If others sit down while running, they are not permitted to be touched.... game continues to catch the person who is running. I don't know what the first word means!

2) "lagOri" - this was a popular game which many have played.

3) "Eyes spies" - again, a very popular game.

4) "topi aata (game with the cap)" - kids sit forming a circle. One kid has a cap in his had and moves along the circular formation. He/she drops the cap behind one kid. The kid where the cap is dropped has to catch this kid.

5) "hasu huli aata (game of cow and tiger) - Kids form a circle. One kid inside is a called the cow, and the one outside is the tiger. Tiger has to catch the cow and other kids in the formation have to block the tiger.

6) "gOli (marbles)" - There are many games that can be played in marbles.

7) "tyre aata (game with a cycle tyre)" - this is just a bunch of kids running one behind the other with a tyre. It gives a feeling of almost driving a truck or something to the kids ;)

8) My dad will tell his favorite game was "mara kOthi (monkeys on tree)" - this is where kids climb a tree and one person has to catch the others. It is supposed to be the most dangerous game!!! I didn't play this though

9) "Color color what color?" - This was called - "nidi, dande` (river, shore)" . Kid should ask, "Crocodile, crocodile. Which color do you want?" Others will shout a color. People with an item of that color can cross the river. Item can be dress or something which is found around the scene.

10) "kallu, mannu (Stone, mud)" - I really have forgotten this game. I just remember the name :).

I remember we kids playing these with our neighbor kids. Kids now don't play these games. They are more into homework and computer games!


Shyam, for Sharaap Kho, the person has to say "Sharaap" in order to sit, and at any time, the running person can touch the sitting person and say
Kho when the sitting person can start running as well. So, for the catching person it is difficult.

Then there is last current, where in once Sharaap (rest/sit), they have to sit till the last person running is caught by the catcher:)

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