I won the elections

It is 8:30 am and I need to prepare my campaign speech. Election is scheduled for later today and I am representing the “Green house”. There are 4 houses – Red, Blue, Green and Yellow. Oh, forgot to mention the scene! I was in class 7 and was eligible to stand for elections in my school.

My parents were off to work and I needed to plan everything relating to elections myself. First and foremost – Election symbol. What did I pick? I wanted to pick something symbolizing color green. Don’t know why I chose, “grapes”. A bunch of green grapes was my election symbol.

What next? I had 1 hour to go to school. I had to prepare election pamphlets. It had my symbol in it and a message reading, “Vote for Grapes”. I cut a few pages into small sizes and write myself the above details. After reaching school, first thing I did was gave these to my so-called ‘party workers’ to distribute it.

I stood for Captain Post for Green House. There is one Captain post for each House. Finally, there is ONE Commander for the whole school who will work with the Captains. There was a party rally session for the candidates to address the voters. I don’t remember what I talked! What can we (students) talk in the speech which will be synonymous to real politicians saying, “I will try to improve basic facilities.. There will be no corruption… etc”? I think, we kids talked about, “I will have more sports events. I will make sure we have more books in our library. I plan to have a science lab for doing experiments.. etc”.

By 11 am, elections started. Each class room had one ballet box with class teachers monitoring the voting process. Everyone had to stand in a queue to vote. There was a corner in the class room with a cardboard box enclosure for maintaining privacy of voting! All these were done by the school just to show how elections are held in real world. Adding to all these was voting mark on the first finger with a black sketch pen 

Voting was done by 1pm. Counting started by 2pm in teacher’s room. There was a big black board on which counting getting marked. As counting progressed, I was leading from the start. In the end, I won the elections comfortably with a huge margin. We had Vice Captain positions too for each house. My Vice Captain who got elected was Nandish.

Next day, we had swearing-in ceremony. Again, this matched the real world. Each captain was invited on dais and a badge, boldly reading “Captain”, was pinned to our shirt. It was a proud moment for me to win the elections and hold the post of Captain for the next 1 year!

I recollected this after watching Obama’s inauguration lat night. The ceremony was indeed a great one to watch.


I am said…
ha ha grapes...


u know i was also the captain of green house in school but i did not have to fight an election in KV it used to be by popularity or ability to conduct social events... :)

an I never failed in to that goal naturally :) all time entertainment business :)

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