Coin Collection

Coin Collection

My FIL gave me few coins which he had in his travel bag which he uses for his Europe visit every year. My brother and I had collected a few coins which was given to us by dad who in the '80s visited Europe, US and South East Asia. Mom and I added coins from the Middle East to this collection.

In the past few days, I did a sort of all the coins which were stored in one box. First thing I did was to get a few coin albums. Since I had few currency too, I got a currency album. Now, the collection looks really good with lots of precious coins in the treasure.

I took one of the albums in by office shuttle and showed it to my friends. They liked the collection and have received a positive response from them. They said, "I too have few coins. Let me share them with you." Most common coins among collectors include coins from the US and UK. Next common set is from Singapore. Not many have coins from the African and South American continents.

In my collection, few rare ones include:

East India Company - 1835, One Quarter Anna

United States of America - 1942, One Dime

Govt of Pakistan - 1949, Quarter Rupee

Ceylon - 1940, One Cent, George VI King and Emperor of India

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Unknown said…
WOW! Wait for few more days. You will get your stamp collection in brand new albums...

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