Being religious at work

Religious means really religious!

My cab-mate and I today discussed about how we could be religious at work and it was indeed interesting. Some of the rules are mentioned below:

1) We will start our day with an 'aachamanam' and by looking into the 'panchaangam' for details of the day. We don't want to work on 'yEkaadhashi' because we will be fasting!

2) Whatever we do, we devote our work to 'nArAyaNa' - करोमि यद यद सकलं परस्मै श्रीमद नारायण इति समर्पयामि.

3) End of the day, we conclude our work by saying - मध्ये मंत्र तंत्र लोप दोष प्रायश्चित्तार्थं....
That way, we can say sorry to whatever mistakes we might have done in the course of the day.

4) We release our software only on auspicious days and at specific time of the day avoiding 'raahu-kaala'. There is no week-end holiday for us as we don't go by English calendar.


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