Idea in a book

One need not be a cake maker to appreciate a cake. Similarly, one need not be a musician to love it.

If at all two cake makers sit and discuss about the difference in the tastes of two cakes, then, they will go into all the inner details (the process, ingredients, etc). Same is with music. If two musicians want to compare two songs, they can talk in musical terms.

Basically, the idea is, whether it is music or cake, it has to be so simple that anybody should be able to appreciate the taste even without knowing the ingredients :).

The above is one of the ideas in the book I am reading which is about Music and Science. This book talks about how brain-music-science are inter-related. Name of the book???? Will reveal later :).


SimblyDimply said…
Yaak hinge suspense maadi saysthya pamararanna.. I did an interesting musical experiment today. Phone nyaage kachtheeni.

"it has to be so simple that anybody should be able to appreciate the taste even without knowing the ingredients :)."

But hasnt carnatic music always prided in being this esoteric music? dense music that need not be melodic?
Unknown said…
You just forgot about acquired tastes. Only a coffee lover can appreciate the taste of coffee, and the taste of coffee is acquired over a period of time. A person who has never tasted coffee would call it the most bitter thing on earth.

What about the spicy food? Some people love it, because they are used to it. Some people don't.

There are some forms of music that may impress everybody. There are some that impress only those who learn to appreciate it over a period of time.

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