Block the outflux

How will it be to say, "Everyone born in this country will stay and serve/work in this country. No crossing borders for work in the next 20 years." That will be the day which will have two visa interviews if at all they want to "visit" US. ha ha ha. One will be strict (hopefully) Indian interview which should prove that the candidate MUST return to India on a required date, else, his passport will be made invalid. Second interview will be the usual US consulate interview.

Are you laughing? Did the people of US laugh when US said, "restrict outsourcing"? The US did this to save its economy. Their statement is same as the one I stated above, only difference is, US targeted Companies and I am targeting individuals. When the economy looked dismal in the US, it was essential for them to save from going below a threshold. People here who had no jobs were given first opportunity/preference. What does all these indicate? They want to save themselves. If the people here were not so tight with their roots, they could have gone to all parts of the globe. But they didn't and they don't. That is not the case with India. People always look for getting out. This is one of the weaknesses of India which Nehru has pointed out in one of his books.

Imagine the number of scholars and scientists in the US. How many of them are US origins? One will say, 'because of opportunity and money here, people came.' But, now, days have changed. Opportunities can be created everywhere. Sometimes, putting someone in one's own den will improve the conditions of the den. Put all those big brains from IIMs and IITs inside the boundaries and make them earn for their pride there. This will make them and also many more below them slog for the development of the nation. Also, don't just make this all look like slavery. Encourage the elite to do business which in turn provides job opportunities to many in the strata.

What is a nation's power? It could be its natural resources, could be its technological advancements, etc. For India, it is human resource. We cannot let it go drain out. We have to use it as our power. It is so sad to see when people say, 'there are less opportunities here and hence want to go out'. Someone has to do something in this regard. Think about this situation - When the son goes out of the house for his day's work, he might say, "mom, I am heading for work... will be back in the evening." Do people of India have anything to tell their motherland before they leave their country? They will say to themselves, (sigh) "Thank God!"


aequo animo said…
we will just rot in the Indian academic situation. Indians should go to all places and learn. they should also go to all places, earn and invest back. So guys staying in developed world, stay put there and invest in India :). No one( almost) will work for the development of nation. If all individuals grow, nation automatically develops: )

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