Dream breakfast

With a routine call to my dad to start the day made my breakfast a superb one. I called my dad as usual. He asked, "What's for breakfast?", for which, my answer was, "Idli and I am planning to make chutney."
Dad: Do you know how to make good chutney?
me: hmmmm , I know my regular way. I have coconut, coriander, and pudhina.

Dad: No, no... Do this way and tell me what you feel. First, warm two spoons of oil in a pan. Add couple of spoons of 'urad daal' and make it golden color. Add 2 green chilies and put pudhina. Also, add coriander and coconut. Pint of 'ingh' is also good. Once this mixture is warm, grind it. Add bit of salt and small piece of tamarind. Chutney is ready! Put 'vaggar' (tadka) as usual.
me: OK, will try for sure :).

After trying the combination mentioned above with idli, it was a dream idli-chutney breakfast. Thank you dad :).

Now, how to make idli batter??? :) This is simple, but requires patience. Here is my combination. You may try this at your own risk ;).
Rice - 3 cups
urad dal - 1 1/2 cup.

Soak the above seperately for minimum six hours before grinding. For grinding, use a good blade mixer. This is very important to get the required quality of batter. First, grind rice. It should be ground to a soft batter with no rice flakes. It should be as smooth as custard. The viscosity of this is same as custard, not much water and also not too thick.

'urad daal' is thicker than rice. It needs more water during grinding. Grinding this to soft batter with no flakes. This urad batter can be slightly thicker than rice batter prepared as above. But, make sure this urad batter is not too thick. Mix this urad batter with rice batter. You can do it in a mixer or just stir both in a big vessel. Make sure both mix well. Add 2T spoons (variable) of salt.

Placing the batter for fermentation is important. Temperature of room is important. I always keep the batter in regular oven with light ON. Next morning, the batter should have bubbled up. More it bubbles, better is the batter. Mix it well before making idlis.

To make idlis, use a idli stand and pressure cooker. Put little water in the cooker and make sure water level is lower than the lowest idli plate. Do not put whistle on the cooker. Steam idlis for 8 to 10 minutes on a medium flame. Idlis are ready!

You want sambar? I don't have ;).


micromysore said…
I have easy way to have idli chutney

* Go to sarvana bhavan
* pay a visit to india bazar, get hold of idli batter, and chutney

in both cases eat your way thru to glory.
Shyam said…
@micromysore: This procedure is not for impatients like you. I have made a mention that this process requires patience.

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