Tale of Two Graduates

Hungry graduates standing in the line for Masala Dosa

Two hungry graduate - YahoooooTwo graduates signed the accord for a great breakthrough in the near future
Graduation cannot finish without graduation partyWith parents
Soon after graduation, new Graduates ready for Business Executive roles in life

Last but not the least, every graduate loves to have such a picture in the album.


Unknown said…
Wohooohooooooooooooo! Mast photos..especially the graduates standing in line for masala dosa..Slurp..nanagu bekuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...wonly 5 days leftuuuuuuuuu
aequo animo said…
Smi said…
Great snaps!
And nice to see aunty and uncle after a long time!:)
Say my hi to them!
micromysore said…
/self congrats !!
Akira said…
Sahi hain photos :)

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