'aatak vuntu, lekkak illa'

'aatak vuntu, lekkak illa' - meaning, you are in the game, but not as full-fledged player; something like, unofficial player.

We used this phrase a lot when we were kids. If a new kid (usually younger to us) comes to join us, and is not strong enough in the game, he is given this 'title'. He can get used to the game before he can be promoted as main player.

This was handy in situations where that kid gets out in Cricket, still he is termed 'not out' because he was 'aatak vuntu lekkak illa'. Maybe after getting out couple of times, the kid, as a courtesy, will opt himself as 'out' because he was given a chance to be part of the game!


Akira said…
We call that - "limboo timboo" in marathi :)

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