Attrition of bloggers

I started blogging few months ago to improve my writing skills and put some thought online. Soon, I gained interest and met many people online and shared ideas. Slowly, I feel everyone has gone away. If not gone, they are regularly irregular :).

Today is Friday and I am sitting at office finding to read something interesting and jumping pages online to find something thoughtful. Read a few things about stem cells and its implications on future research. Catholic Church is against using embryonic stem cells for research. Some believed it is similar to 'murder'! Latest development showed that embryonic stem cell can be extracted without actual destruction of the embryo. With this, the Bush Govt might start funding again to this field of research which was stopped couple of years ago due to political, ethnical and ethical reasons.

After a huge lunch at a Chinese restaurant, I am in no mood to work :(. After returning from lunch, I was in 99% sleep state - A nap was most essential. Reminding of school days where afternoon nap was mandatory and kids used to play pranks while putting their head on their desks, I had a similar nap which was refreshing.

All my fellow bloggers have either stopped writing or write once in blue moon. There were days where I had to put 30 minutes of my time reading all blogs and also write one of my own. Some became busy with work, while some entered the nuptial phase. Few others kept thinking for new topics, and many just lost interest in writing.

Surely hoping to keep the beats UP and see more of fellow bloggers soon.


micromysore said…
yo bondu .. nindu kelsa total tp le ..
illi 2$ kottu 10$ kelsa madusthavre :-( .. anyway chinese food thindu, ond vara matash agide, so naanu china dora doora .. ivathige, ghas pus thinde ..
2morrow mtb's sunday roadbiking, so overall .. my weekend is fixed ;-) .. maybe a visit to temple .. those slc ganesha days ..
SimblyDimply said…
Bloggers are all busy "chatting" !! Gotted the pointu, yellargu nimmast energy illa thandhe.. thaavu mannisathakkadhu!

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