Late start today

I worked late last night and was sleepy to get up at the scheduled time this morning. The day will be started late for me. Adding to that, somehow, the minute got out of bed, I was, "tauba meri tabuba, moov lagao" style. Don't know how, my back is aching.

With a slow tea, I am writing this, really lazy enough to get going. My manager has already been informed that I will be late to office because of working late last night. When I was making tea, I got reminded of those scenes back in India which are too typical for any place.

When I was adding tea powder, I was doing some calculation of how much to add. I added around a spoon and then felt, a pinch more can go in. I added pinch more, but put rest back from the spoon into tea bottle. This was the time I remembered, the grocery store guy across the street, measuring sugar for us. He will put approximate measures and does the process of 'add-remove' to make the weight suitable as per our request. Do you see that anywhere else apart from India? :)

Then, when I was straining tea, my mind recapped, "two by three tea please". This is something we shouted at the college canteen! Two cups of tea will be divided equally to 3 cups. Along with this, I must say, I miss that masala dose :(.

I miss honking ;). There is no life in driving here. India mein, super honking effects. Total music along with noise (may be). If someone is backing their car, then more music. If a sign shows, "hump ahead", then, sure, a 'keeeek keeeek' is wanted. Really missing two wheeler rides here! It was so easy to sqeeze into any gap and zooom away. ha ha ha.

How can I not miss 'Iyengar Bakery'? :(( Potato bun, and all other items. Just great for evening timepass.

Enough, I missed too much now. Time to come to reality and start the day :).


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