Say NO to Television

After a brief discussion with a family here about kids and television, I just feel that it has taken away the creative thought in kids. Adding to television, computers and games have destroyed the whole concept of constructive congnition. This continues throughout their lives, both childhood and adult phase. I have seen the current generation naming "watching TV" as one of their hobbies!!!

The concept of television is different in the West. It is a way to make the kids sit silent by watching 24 x 7 cartoons. There are several channels which show a range of cartoon which makes parents give their kids the remote (by blocking other channels) and instructing them to keep watching it for the next couple of hours. In India, concept of television for kids is(was) slightly different. Since there are many other family programs compared to cartoons, it becomes a more family entertainment than just locking kids in a room and make them watch TV. Add the cricket effect to that please. 8 hours per day lost watching live cricket; what about highlights???
Don't make television a pure medium of entertainment. Use it as a knowledge box too. Educational programs fine. Yet, far behind from having something developed from one's own individualism.

Child psychologist believe in providing kids with active entertainment which will give kids a hands-on experience to creativity. This can be done by inculcating the kids in hobbies. Philately, collecting coins, essay writing, painting, craft work, dance, singing, martial art, gardening, reading, collage, and latest - blogging ;) are all creative hobbies. Except dance, I have had the chance to experience most of them. Apart from hobbies, outdoor activities and sports are always good to encourage kids.

Why all this???? Because, being kids, learning is easy - good or bad. Once we grow up, it is very hard to quit something and learn something new. I have seen friends who had missed those golden periods to learn fun stuff and now, as adults, they realise that they didn't do it then. Same is the case with me - If I had not done all such stuff as a kid, I would have surely missed a great deal in life.

So, please say NO to Television.


SimblyDimply said…
I love that word - constructive cognition.. says a whole lot in just two words.The other thing that irks me with the idiot box is the sardonic humour that runs in the serials..boring..
So, ninna makkalu paapa...they will come to Deepti aunty's house often then.. to watch TV!!
Shyam said…
true simplydimply.

nann makkLu nimm manEge TV nOdOke barthaara??? no way. nann makkLu will be jaaNa like me! nimm manEg barthaare, aadhre allig bandhu nimm TV-na OFF maadthaare.
direkishore said…
enidu aunty, kidsu..
ellige nimma payana ;)

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