Hating this place

I hate this place. Recent past has made me believe that this is not the best place on earth to live. Having run from Govt. Office A to Office B, I find it easy to come a conclusion that India will not progress in the coming years if the system is like the way it is.

I have made several trips to offices to get things done which still remains 'undone'. Passport office is a big pain in the a&&. After my pain, it is turn for my son's passport application. It is more painful now as the procedure has changed overnight. Nobody knows what to do and I am roaming places to get this sorted.

BBMP is another dirty place. Having paid the tax last month for the coming year, I am yet to get the receipt of payment. First, they told that they are busy receiving payments and cannot write the receipt. Next, they are telling that the cheque is missing or misplaced. They want proof from our side to show that money has been credited into their account. This requires few trips up and down to the bank and this BBMP office.

Banks in India is another pain in the b^!!. Bank people think that customers are in their mercy and not visa-versa. When I went Canara Bank recently to get a DD for Rs. 600, they took 2 hours to print 140 characters on a DD paper! Finally, this DD is useless as the passport office told that 'in favor of' is changed from yesterday. Today, I went to ICICI to get a new DD. This place is much better than that nationalised bank where there is 'no asker, no teller'. For everything, they need to be addressed, "madam..... madam.." for no good reason.

All these have taught me a few things. People who live in India/Bangalore really struggle hard to get things done. They might lose their patience once a while, but, their perseverance and determination shows up at the end of the day. That is how our dad is. He does all the office roaming stuff every day - post office, bank, telephone office, etc.

With that note, I plan to move out of Bangalore/India to a newer place in search of a calmer life. I am heading to Singapore next week to start my new job. New place, new life, new experience.


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